Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hockney on digital art

'It is only in the last year that computer software has advanced enough to keep up with the artist's hand and allow sufficient sensitivity of colour'

so true!


pvb said...

hello matthew,
i'm not completely agree with the great david hockney : look at this, my 1997 work, well, resolution was not very good, printing also, but colors were there already, you dont think ?

Matthew Watkins said...

Hi PVB, sorry i missed your post... I agree with him in that:
It's easier than ever to make digital art. The Iphone + brushes gives us a wonderful tool that gives us easy access to colour. Digital art has come of age. It's a shame that many teachers, artist and critics do not see this.

There is no doubt that digital art has been with us for a long time.

pvb said...

i think it's very easy to do cheap art, i dont call this "art" just "do-it-yourself" and sometimes it's nice, sometimes disgusting.
what you do, i call this art, what i do i dont call ;-)
i love working on iphone because it's a speedtool wherever you are.
colors are always been around as ;)

Matthew Watkins said...

For me drawing on the iphone is play. Like when i was a child. I feel free to draw whatever. I get that same sense from your stuff. Keep up the good work!