Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dan and the Orange Dog

Dan and the Orange Dog, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins.


Fingerpainted on my iPad.


Chillin, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins.

Painted with procreate on my ipad mini on my way to Miami.

"Qual ié u motive" Pommodors

CD cover artwork the new Album by the Pommodors.

Fingerpainted on my iPad mini.


Dog, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins.

Fingerpainted on my iPhone for my collaboration with "Dancing with the Orange Dog"

A Quiet Corner

A Quiet Corner, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins.

Fingerpainted on my ipad mini for my collaboration with "Dancing with the Orange Dog"

Friday, December 14, 2012

I Don't Tweet In The Morning

Fingerpainted on my ipadmini with Procreate app.