Sunday, January 29, 2012

The North west passage - at a snails pace

An ipad fingerpainting in brushes app

The bootleggers

The bootleggers, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins.

I finger-painted this on an iPhone 4s in brushes app. I cropped it in Pixlr-o-matic.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

In The Woods

In The Woods, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins.

painted in brushes on my iPad

Friday, January 13, 2012

Decommissioning Of The Gigabot

You can see the making of this here

It was inspired by those poor labourers, mostly in the third world, who face the terrible task of breaking up our old ships.

Apocalypse Bunny 2012. The First Dynasty.

An ipad finger painting in brushes

The 4th Dynasty

The 4th Dynasty, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins.

Fingerpainted on my iPad in brushes app

Animals In The City

Animals In The City, originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins.

Fingerpainted on my iPad