Friday, October 23, 2009
On the shoulders of giants
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
Sir Isaac Newton
This is fingerpainted live for my friends at RAI educational. The making of it will appear soon on RAI Art News.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
(written during a service outage. fingerpainted on my iphone with brushes app).
Day one. The server's down.

They say they are moving it to a new location and improving services. But i know it's bouncing around in the back of a pickup near Tijuana. A man, a kid at the time of the dot com crash, is sitting on top of it and he's playing with a revolver and here is a bottle of Jose Cuervo perched on the CD tray. Mercifully it's almost empty.

Day two. It’s a Tequila sunrise.
Raul's head bumped on something in the dark room. Empty bottles clattered. A little light filtered through the broken slats, just enough to make the damp cement floor glisten. A voice in his head was saying "more, only gets worse" and it came to him through the fog.
The server.
Had he plugged in the mail server? He closed his eyes and laid his head back on the floor with an audible thump.
It didn't matter anyways, the generator had run out of gas hours ago.
Day three. A senseless waste of life.

Mack, tried the door. It was unlocked. He had learned a long time ago
to check before kicking them down. However much fun it might be.
- Looks like we got a runner.
- Dammit. That's the third this week.
There was an evil smell. Shafts of light penetrated the room like
unwelcome guests churning thick grey smoke into Carrara marble.
- Maybe not.
A green glow from the computer illuminated a collection of clear empty
bottles. A body lay on the floor. The right hand grasped a telephone.
There was a queer smirk on it's face.
Mack didn't need to touch him to know that he was already cold.
- Looks like the phone help got him. Call central and send over a
clean-up crew.
He picked up the reciever and put it back in place.
# Press one for sales, press two for support, press three now if you
already know your extension...
# Press one for sales, press two for support, press three now if you
already know your extension...
# Press one for sales, press two for support, press three now if you
already know your extension...
- 24/7 my butt, the poor gaffer didn't stand a chance.
# Hello this is Raul, email server 33453, it's bad here. Green stuff
is coming out of the back of the machine and it don't sound so good.
You'd better send someone over quick.
# Press one for sales...
# He broke the seal on another bottle - more only get's worse - and
he giggled.
Mack sidestepped the corpse and pressed Ctrl, Alt and Delete on the
grimy keyboard.
- And tell them the server's up.
When the music is over
When the music is over
Originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins
When the music is over
You'll pay up the piper
He'll buy you a whiskey
And cry on your shoulder
When the music is over
Just sit down and remember
You'll feel something hollow
An empty place in your belly
When the music is over
Come lay down beside me
It's too hot for talking
And too cold for leaving
Matthew Watkins 18.10.2009
fingerpainted on my iphone
Saturday, October 17, 2009
An important decision
An important decision
Originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins
At the age of 47 Howie had made an important decision. He would take out the garbage.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Jack Spoil
Jack Spoil
Originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins
There was nothing jovial about the chef Jack Spoil. He was impatient and ill tempered. He pushed his staff to the edge. He held the world in contempt. But the food, Spoil's food, was to die for.
Fingerpainted on my iPhone with brushes.
Nonno Marcello, a portrait for a friend
Nonno Marcello, a portrait for a friend
Originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins
Marcello was a submarine commander.
Fingerpainted on my iphone
Thursday, October 08, 2009
They interviewd me during my show. You can see the interview here.
It's towards the end.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
La signora
La signora
Originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins
A force to be reckoned with.
Fingerpainted on my iPhone with brushes.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Resistance is futile
Resistance is futile
Originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins
Google translator said "resistance is futile, prepare a pie"
Finger painted on my iPhone with brushes.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Mourning after the night before
Mourning after the night before
Originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins
Day broke in a heartbeat. The smell of fried chicken was already in the air.
Friday, October 02, 2009
The Piper
The Piper
Originally uploaded by Matthew Watkins
I drew this while watching a recent political debate... I don't think it was by chance.
fingerpainted on my iphone with brushes app